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Building a resilient frontend using progressive enhancement

Rui Carlos

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Progressive enhancement is a way of building websites and applications. It’s based on the idea that you should start by making your page work with just HTML, before adding anything else like Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript.

This is because HTML is the most resilient layer. If the HTML fails there’s no web page. Should the CSS or JavaScript fail, the HTML will still render correctly.

Using progressive enhancement means your users will be able to do what they need to do if any part of the stack fails. Building your service using progressive enhancement will:

  • make your service more resilient
  • mean your service’s most basic functionality will work and meet the core needs of the user
  • improve accessibility by encouraging best practices like writing semantic markup
  • help users with device or connectivity limitations to use your service


In: https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/technology/using-progressive-enhancement

Via Alex Russell (e dentro do tópico, value também a pena ler a série Reckoning do Alex Russel).

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