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Erro criando variáveis camel-case

Vinicius Sena
Go to solution Solved by Zex,

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Boa Tarde,

Estou começando nos estudos a programação e resolvendo alguns exercícios on-line e não consigo perceber o erro no seguinte exercício proposto...

Let's create some more variables. How about your year of birth and how many hours you've been dealing with this code challenge up to now?

Remember to use meaningful names, and respect the convention. Go!

var YearOfBirth = 1983;
var PriceOfBanana = 21;
var QuestionsForFinish = 54;
var NumberOfHours = 77;

porém me retorna o seguinte erro...

>>>>Code is incorrect
Make sure you are using meaningful names to your variables


Imagino que seja algo simples, mas não percebo. Onde estou errando ?

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