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aceder a key/value de uma lista de dicionários


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Bom dia P@P,

# number of ...matches could obtained for len(goallist)
squad = []

soccerPl = {'nameSP': '', 'goalsbyGame':[], 'totalGoals': '', 'numMatches': ''} # name by input, goalsbygame append list, totalGoals cyclecounter and numMatches <- imply to obtain a len() function by a list (implícita de outra variável)

nextOne = ''

while True:
  soccerPl['nameSP'] = str(input(' Say soccerPlayer name? :  '))
  soccerPl['numMatches'] = int(input(' Say number of matches played? : ')) # vai derivar o número de chaves antes assim, devia por num varíável isolada.., pois consegue ser obtida a partir do len() da lista
  totalGoals = 0
  for i in range(0, soccerPl['numMatches']):
    print(f'Number of goals scored in match {i} :')
    totalGoals += soccerPl['goalsbyGame'][i]

  soccerPl['totalGoals'] = totalGoals
  nextOne = str(input('Do you want add more player to the squad? ')).strip().upper()
  if nextOne == 'N':

print('The Squad player data ...')
print(f"{'No.':^5}  {'name':^9}  {'goals by match':<16} {'totalGoals':<12}  {'numMatches':<15} ")
for i in range(0,len(squad)):
  #for squad[i] in range (0squad
  print(f"{i+1:^5}  {squad[i]['nameSP']:^9} ) # squad[i]['nameSP']:^9}


não sei como squad[i]['nameSP'] aceder a este campos, isto é uma lista de dicionários,

Tenho de fazer 2 ciclos for para chegar a uma key do dicionário? e como?

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Alterei e coloquei por este tipo de for:

for player in squad:
  print(f"{i+1^5} {player['nameSP']:^9} {player['goalsbyGame']:<16} {player['totalGoals']:<12}  {player['numMatches']:<15} ")


contudo, não sei, como imprimir a lista que esta num item do dicionário com a key = 'goalsbyGame'


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-49-276755a840ae> in <module>
----> 1 print(f"{i+1^5} {player['nameSP']:^9} {player['goalsbyGame']:<16} {player['totalGoals']:<12}  {player['numMatches']:<15} ")

TypeError: unsupported format string passed to list.__format__


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23 minutos atrás, jonhhy disse:

Alterei e coloquei por este tipo de for:

for player in squad:
  print(f"{i+1^5} {player['nameSP']:^9} {player['goalsbyGame']:<16} {player['totalGoals']:<12}  {player['numMatches']:<15} ")


contudo, não sei, como imprimir a lista que esta num item do dicionário com a key = 'goalsbyGame'


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-49-276755a840ae> in <module>
----> 1 print(f"{i+1^5} {player['nameSP']:^9} {player['goalsbyGame']:<16} {player['totalGoals']:<12}  {player['numMatches']:<15} ")

TypeError: unsupported format string passed to list.__format__


Alterei esta parte do código:


mas tenho resultados estranhos:


 Say soccerPlayer name? :  Telmo
 Say number of matches played? : 2
Number of goals scored in match 0 :
Number of goals scored in match 1 :
Do you want add more player to the squad? Toninho
 Say soccerPlayer name? :  Toninho
 Say number of matches played? : 4
Number of goals scored in match 0 :
Number of goals scored in match 1 :
Number of goals scored in match 2 :
Number of goals scored in match 3 :
Do you want add more player to the squad? n
The Squad player data ...
 No.     name     goals by match   totalGoals    numMatches      
  1     Telmo   4                5             2               
  2    Toninho  4                6             4               


Edited by jonhhy
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for player in squad:
  print(f"{i+1:^5} {player['nameSP']:^13} {player['goalsbyGame']} {player['totalGoals']:<12}  {player['numMatches']:<15} ")
  i += 1
  Say soccerPlayer name? :  Aníval
 Say number of matches played? : 2
Number of goals scored in match 0 :
Number of goals scored in match 1 :
Do you want add more player to the squad? e
 Say soccerPlayer name? :  Juba
 Say number of matches played? : 4
Number of goals scored in match 0 :
Number of goals scored in match 1 :
Number of goals scored in match 2 :
Number of goals scored in match 3 :
Do you want add more player to the squad? n
The Squad player data ...
 No.     name     goals by match   totalGoals    numMatches      
  1       Aníval      [7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 8             2               
  2        Juba       [7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 13            4     


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