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Extrair valores de campos em dicionários para uma lista é possível, ou tenho de iterar ?


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Bom dia membros da comunidade P@P,


tenho uma string de nome, para identificar o grupo que quero destacar, contudo se houvesse forma de extrair só o nome das mulheres (diretamente era muito menos trabalhoso)... como é python penso sempre que deve haver alguma maneira melhor... indo ao exercício e código:

# Desafio 094


Crie um programa que leia **nome**, **sexo** e **idade** de **várias pessoas**, guardando os dados de cada pessoa em um **dicionário** e todos os dicionários em uma **lista**. No final, mostre:


**A)** Quantas pessoas foram cadastradas 


**B)** A **média** de idade do grupo.


**C)** Uma lista com todas as **mulheres**.


**D)** Uma lista com todas as pessoas com **idade** acima da **média**.


signup = {'name': '', 'gender': '', 'age': ''}
people = []
women = []
oldpeople = []
adelante = ''
agesum = 0
while True:
  signup['name'] = str(input('Say person name: '))
  signup['gender'] = str(input('Say person gender: '))
  while signup['gender'] not in 'MmFf':
    signup['gender'] = str(input('We only consider gender: [F/M] ... : '))
  signup['age'] = int(input('Say your age: '))
  while signup['age'] < 0:
    signup['age'] = int(input('Age cannot be negative, say a positive number with the years: '))
  agesum += signup['age']
  if signup['gender'].strip().upper() in 'F':
  adelante = str(input('Did you want continue to sign up person? :'))
  if adelante in 'Nn':
print(f" People signup was {len(people)}")
print(f" Age mean is {agesum/len(people)}")
print(f" Women are {women[0]}")

for person in people:
  if person['age'] > (agesum/len(people)):

print(f" Person with more that mean age is {oldpeople}")
Say person name: Luísa
Say person gender: f
Say your age: 26
Did you want continue to sign up person? :  yes
Say person name: Miguel
Say person gender: 31
We only consider gender: [F/M] ... :  mas
We only consider gender: [F/M] ... : m
Say your age: 31
Did you want continue to sign up person? :   Yieh
Say person name: Sónia
Say person gender: 11
We only consider gender: [F/M] ... : f
Say your age: 11
Did you want continue to sign up person? :n
 People signup was 3
 Age mean is 22.666666666666668
 Women are {'name': 'Luísa', 'gender': 'f', 'age': 26}
 Person with more that mean age is ['Luísa', 'Miguel']

a dúvida é no primeiro comentário do código, que dá erro..

Edited by jonhhy
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signup = {'name': '', 'gender': '', 'age': ''}
people = []
women = []
oldpeople = []
adelante = ''
agesum = 0
while True:
  signup['name'] = str(input('Say person name: '))
  signup['gender'] = str(input('Say person gender: '))
  while signup['gender'] not in 'MmFf':
    signup['gender'] = str(input('We only consider gender: [F/M] ... : '))
  signup['age'] = int(input('Say your age: '))
  while signup['age'] < 0:
    signup['age'] = int(input('Age cannot be negative, say a positive number with the years: '))
  agesum += signup['age']
  if signup['gender'].strip().upper() in 'F':
  adelante = str(input('Did you want continue to sign up person? :'))
  if adelante in 'Nn':
print(f" People signup was {len(people)}")
print(f" Age mean is {agesum/len(people)}")
print(f" Women are : {women}")

for person in people:
  if person['age'] > (agesum/len(people)):

print(f" Person with more that mean age is {oldpeople}")


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