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A brief tour of the PDP-11, the most influential minicomputer of all time


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It helped popularize the interactive computing paradigm we take for granted today.

The history of computing could arguably be divided into three eras: that of mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers. Minicomputers provided an important bridge between the first mainframes and the ubiquitous micros of today. This is the story of the PDP-11, the most influential and successful minicomputer ever.


In ArsTechnica, 14 de Março de 2022


Um artigo muito interessante sobre o PDP-11 e o seu contributo a área computacional.

10 REM Generation 48K!
20 INPUT "URL:", A$
30 IF A$(1 TO 4) = "HTTP" THEN PRINT "400 Bad Request": GOTO 50
40 PRINT "404 Not Found"
50 PRINT "./M6 @ Portugal a Programar."


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