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Como posso imprimir um chart atraves de um PrintDocument?

Eu tentei assim, mas nao me aparece nada na folha

Dim Chart1 = New DataVisualization.Charting.Chart()
       ' Create and initialize print font 
       Dim printFont As New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 16)
       ' Create Rectangle structure, used to set the position of the chart 
       Dim myRec As New System.Drawing.Rectangle(10, 30, 150, 150)
       ' Draw a line of text, followed by the chart, and then another line of text 
       e.Graphics.DrawString("Line before chart", printFont, Brushes.Black, 10, 10)
       Chart1.Printing.PrintPaint(e.Graphics, myRec)
       e.Graphics.DrawString("Line after chart", printFont, Brushes.Black, 10, 200)

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