Nevins02 Posted June 14, 2012 at 07:49 PM Report #462924 Posted June 14, 2012 at 07:49 PM Boa noite a todos Precisava da vossa ajuda, pois já derreti tutoriais de SQL e não consigo resolver o meu problema. Tenho uma consulta que realizo em SQL Server 2005 e demora 5 segundos a devolver os registos da BD. A mesma BD e a mesma consulta no SQL Server 2000 demora 50 minutos!!! Já tentei verificar logs, alerts, TUDO... e não consigo resolver o problema. Segue-se abaixo a consulta: declare @Mes as int declare @Ano as int select @Mes = 5 select @Ano = 2012 select (cast(l.chi_leil as varchar(5)))+(cast(l.chi_lote as varchar(20))) as Iden, l.chi_leil as Leilao, l.chi_lote as Lote, c.chi_desc as DescLote, (select top 1 l1.tdo_docu from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVenda, (select top 1 l1.mvd_ndoc from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaNum, (select top 1 convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), l1.mvd_data, 105), 105) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaData, (select top 1 l1.mvd_enti from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaCliente, -- Valor da Compra (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )*(-1) as ValorCompra, -- Dados da Venda-> Tipo Doc., Nº, Data e Cliente (select top 1 l1.tdo_docu from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as Fact, (select top 1 l1.mvd_ndoc from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactNum, (select top 1 convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), l1.mvd_data, 105), 105) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactData, (select top 1 l1.mvd_enti from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactCliente, -- Valor da Venda (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )*(-1) as ValorVenda, -- Valor da Margem-> Valor da Venda - Valor da Compra ( (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) )*(-1) as Margem, -- Valor do IVA-> Valor da Margem - (Valor da Margem/(1+Taxa IVA/100)) (((select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )) - round(( (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) )/(1+(l.mvd_piva/100)),2))*(-1) as VIVA from gls_mvdl l, gls_chit c where l.chi_iden = c.chi_iden and month(l.mvd_data) = @Mes and l.exe_ano = @Ano and l.sec_codi = 1 and ( (l.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l.mvd_dbcr = 'C') or (l.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l.mvd_dbcr = 'D') ) and -- deve existir documento a débito de compra (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is not null and -- deve existir documento a crédito de venda (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is not null and ( -- caso 1-> houve documentos a anular compra e venda anulando-se o negócio ( (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) ) or -- caso 2-> para ir buscar os documentos de anulação caso haja documentos de venda e compra com data posterior no mesmo mes -- e haja documentos de compra e venda com data em mes anterior, para se poder re-apurar o iva ( (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) < isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) < isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) ) ) group by l.chi_leil, l.chi_lote, c.chi_desc, l.mvd_piva, month(l.mvd_data), l.exe_ano, l.sec_codi UNION -- Devolve os lotes em que houve anulação da venda no mês indicado. select (cast(l.chi_leil as varchar(5)))+(cast(l.chi_lote as varchar(20))) as Iden, l.chi_leil as Leilao, l.chi_lote as Lote, c.chi_desc as DescLote, -- Dados de Compra-> Tipo Doc., Nº, Data e Fornecedor (select top 1 l1.tdo_docu from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVenda, (select top 1 l1.mvd_ndoc from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaNum, (select top 1 convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), l1.mvd_data, 105), 105) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaData, (select top 1 l1.mvd_enti from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data)and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaCliente, -- Valor da Compra (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as ValorCompra, -- Dados da Venda-> Tipo Doc., Nº, Data e Cliente (select top 1 l1.tdo_docu from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as Fact, (select top 1 l1.mvd_ndoc from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactNum, (select top 1 convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), l1.mvd_data, 105), 105) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactData, (select top 1 l1.mvd_enti from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactCliente, -- Valor da Venda (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )*(-1) as ValorVenda, -- Valor da Margem-> Valor da Venda - Valor da Compra ((select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )) *(-1) as Margem, -- Valor do IVA-> Valor da Margem - (Valor da Margem/(1+Taxa IVA/100)) ( ((select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )) ) - round(( (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) )/(1+(l.mvd_piva/100)),2) as VIVA from gls_mvdl l, gls_chit c where l.chi_iden = c.chi_iden and month(l.mvd_data) = @Mes and l.exe_ano = @Ano and l.sec_codi = 1 -- contexto de vendas e que seja um documento a crédito -- contexto de compras e que seja um documento a crédito and ( (l.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l.mvd_dbcr = 'C') or (l.mvd_ctxt = 2 and (l.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l.mvd_dbcr is null)) ) and --deve existir documento de compra (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano) ) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is not null and -- deve existir documento a crédito de venda (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano) ) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is not null and -- documento de compra deve ser posterior ao documento de crédito de compra (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and ( -- caso 1-> o ultimo documento de venda é uma nota de crédito ((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0)) or -- caso 2-> o ultimo documento de venda é uma factura, mas houve antes uma nota de crédito -- atenção que pode-se verificar 4 documentos no mesmo mes-> NCRE-FACT, NCRE-FACT, sempre com valores diferentes -- neste caso deve-se ir buscar a 1ª NCRE, e a última FACT ( (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) < isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and ( ( -- nesta condição tem um OR, para que vá buscar as notas de crédito de venda do mês caso tenha havido -- documento de venda no mês anterior, e para que não vá buscar as notas de crédito do mês caso tenha -- havido documentos de venda no mesmo mês, porque nesta ultima situação apenas conta a ultima factura/nota de venda -- não sendo necessário regularizar o iva (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) is not null ) or ( (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) is null ) ) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is null ) ) group by l.chi_leil, l.chi_lote, c.chi_desc, l.mvd_piva, month(l.mvd_data), l.exe_ano, l.sec_codi UNION -- Devolve os lotes em que houve anulação da compra no mês indicado. select (cast(l.chi_leil as varchar(5)))+(cast(l.chi_lote as varchar(20))) as Iden, l.chi_leil as Leilao, l.chi_lote as Lote, c.chi_desc as DescLote, -- Dados de Compra-> Tipo Doc., Nº, Data e Fornecedor (select top 1 l1.tdo_docu from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVenda, (select top 1 l1.mvd_ndoc from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaNum, (select top 1 convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), l1.mvd_data, 105), 105) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaData, (select top 1 l1.mvd_enti from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as NVendaCliente, -- Valor da Compra (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )*(-1) as ValorCompra, -- Dados da Venda-> Tipo Doc., Nº, Data e Cliente (select top 1 l1.tdo_docu from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as Fact, (select top 1 l1.mvd_ndoc from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactNum, (select top 1 convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), l1.mvd_data, 105), 105) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactData, (select top 1 l1.mvd_enti from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) as FactCliente, -- Valor da Venda (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )*(-1) as ValorVenda, -- Valor da Margem-> Valor da Venda - Valor da Compra ((select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )) * (-1) as Margem, -- Valor do IVA-> Valor da Margem - (Valor da Margem/(1+Taxa IVA/100)) ( ((select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi )) ) - round(( (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) - (select top 1 round(l1.mvd_valo,2) from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) )/(1+(l.mvd_piva/100)),2) as VIVA from gls_mvdl l, gls_chit c where l.chi_iden = c.chi_iden and month(l.mvd_data) = @Mes and l.exe_ano = @Ano and l.sec_codi = 1 -- contexto de vendas e que seja um documento a débito -- contexto de compras e que seja um documento a débito and ( (l.mvd_ctxt = 5 and (l.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l.mvd_dbcr is null)) or (l.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l.mvd_dbcr = 'D') ) and --deve existir documento de venda (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is not null and -- deve existir documento a débito de compra (nota de lançamento) (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is not null and -- documento de venda deve ser posterior ao documento de crédito de venda (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano)or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and ( -- caso 1-> o ultimo documento de compra é uma nota de lançamento ((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0)) or -- caso 2-> o ultimo documento de compra é uma nota de venda, mas houve antes uma nota de lançamento -- atenção que pode-se verificar 4 documentos no mesmo mes-> NTLC-NTVD, NTLC-NTVD, sempre com valores diferentes -- neste caso deve-se ir buscar a 1ª NTLC, e a última NTVD ( (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) < isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and ( ( -- nesta condição tem um OR, para que vá buscar as notas de lançamento de compra do mês caso tenha havido -- documento de compra no mês anterior, e para que não vá buscar as notas de lançamento do mês caso tenha -- havido documentos de compra no mesmo mês, porque nesta ultima situação apenas conta a ultima factura/nota de venda -- não sendo necessário regularizar o iva (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) is not null ) or ( (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'D' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) > isnull((select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) <= month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ),0) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 2 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and (l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' or l1.mvd_dbcr = 'A' or l1.mvd_dbcr is null) and ( (month(l1.mvd_data) < month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano) or (l1.exe_ano < l.exe_ano)) and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi) is null ) ) and (select top 1 l1.mvd_iden from PCV_IVA_Lotes l1 where l1.mvd_ctxt = 5 and l1.chi_leil = l.chi_leil and l1.chi_lote = l.chi_lote and l1.mvd_dbcr = 'C' and month(l1.mvd_data) = month(l.mvd_data) and l1.exe_ano = l.exe_ano and l1.sec_codi = l.sec_codi ) is null ) ) group by l.chi_leil, l.chi_lote, c.chi_desc, l.mvd_piva, month(l.mvd_data), l.exe_ano, l.sec_codi order by l.chi_leil, l.chi_lote
pmg Posted June 14, 2012 at 08:54 PM Report #462936 Posted June 14, 2012 at 08:54 PM Xiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nao consegues separar isso numa carrada de views e usar as views no select final? What have you tried? Não respondo a dúvidas por PM A minha bola de cristal está para compor; deve ficar pronta para a semana. Torna os teus tópicos mais atractivos e legíveis usando a tag CODE para colorir o código!
Rui Carlos Posted June 14, 2012 at 09:56 PM Report #462946 Posted June 14, 2012 at 09:56 PM Suspeito que isso seja um problema de optimização da query. O SQL Server 2005 deve ter um motor de optimização de queries mais avançado, que consegue simplificar essa query para algo muito mais simples, e o SQL Server 2000 não consegue. Penso que o SQL Server 2005 permite ver o plano de execução da query. Podes começar por aí, e ver se consegues optimizar a tua query. Rui Carlos Gonçalves
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