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[PHP] Tipo da Variável


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$goldpieces = 2500;
print "I have $goldpieces gold pieces. Although, I don't know what they are. What is their type? <br><br>";
/*Are the gold pieces an array?*/
$array = is_array($goldpieces);
if ($array == 1) {$array = "Yes, they are.";}
else {$array = "No, they aren't.";}
/*Are the gold pieces an integer?*/
$integer = is_integer($goldpieces);
if ($integer == 1) {$integer = "Yes, they are.";}
else {$integer = "No, they aren't.";}
/*Are the gold pieces a number?*/
$number = is_numeric($goldpieces);
if ($number == 1) {$number = "Yes, they are.";}
else {$number = "No, they aren't.";}
/*Let's tell this to the user, then.*/
print "Question: Are the gold pieces an array? <br> Answer: $array <br><br>";
print "Question: Are the gold pieces an integer? <br> Answer: $integer <br><br>";
print "Question: Are the gold pieces a number? <br> Answer: $number <br><br>";
print "But most important, if I don't know their type, neither I want to ask a lot of questions, I can ask just one question:<br><br>";
$gettype = gettype($goldpieces); // What's the variable's type?
$gettypeanswer = "The gold pieces are a(n) ".$gettype.".";
print "Question: What are the gold pieces? <br> Answer: $gettypeanswer <br><br>"; 

Isto foi feito por mim, enquanto aprendia PHP e MySQL (estou a ler um livro muito grande sobre isso). Sei que o código não é nada de especial, mas foi uma forma fixe de eu aprender os tipos das variáveis. Se alguém quiser, que pegue no código. 😉 Comentários e sugestões são muito apreciados.

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