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If you read way down to the bottom of a Wall Street Journal interview with Bill Gates that ran yesterday, you'll discover that the Microsoft executive admitted to watching pirated movies on the Internet. The confession came as he was talking about content he had viewed on YouTube. Here's part of the exchange:

    WSJ: You watch physics lectures and Harlem Globetrotters [on YouTube]?

    Gates: This social-networking thing takes you to crazy places.

    WSJ: But those were stolen, correct?

    Gates: Stolen's a strong word. It's copyrighted content that the owner wasn't paid for. So yes.

The Internet's biggest social failure has been that it has served as enabling technology for rampant cheating and theft - and the rationalization of it. The Internet makes stealing so easy that most people don't even think about it.

Bill Gates' comments would appear to be a case in point. You can hear the wheels turning as Gates thinks through the reality of his actions before finally admitting that he has indeed downloaded and consumed copyrighted content.

Fonte: ComputerWorld

Mais um que é advogado do diabo... 😁


Bem... o homem ainda subiu um pouquinho na minha consideração... mas depois não tem tomates para não ficar pequenino e dizer com voz fininha: "sim até eu o homem mais rico do mundo me curvo perante estes interesses"

carago... se o gajo viu qual é o grande mal... os globetroters ficaram mais pobrezinhos? fez algum mal a alguem... carago... como é que é possivel no século 21 estarem com ideias destas na cabeça.


Eu só pergunto é que moral têm estes individuos para quase esfolar uns gajos que fazem downloads de umas músicas quando eles são os primeiros a errar, e ao contrário de uma pessoal "normal" saírem impunes...

Enfim é esta a sociedade que criámos.


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