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House of Horus - Horus Herakty


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como a vida não é apenas linhas de código...

horus e hathor... força masculina e a força femenina... um está dentro do outro... hathor é a casa de horus... horus é o eterno guerreiro divno lutando contra Seth... o mal... ou mais concretamente... o poder dos lobbies... never ending story ou a história interminável

a mitologia egipcia é sem duvia a mais importante, é a base da ideologia ocidental pois foi a primeira civilização e as outras sempre aprenderam e inpiraram-se nela... a nivel de religião é a base do gnosticismo que por sua vez foi a base do cristinanismo verdadeiro e puro que nada têm a ver com o catoclicimo (aproveitamento criminoso da palavra de jesus)

vivemos temps da "vazio" e temos de nos reconstruir e nada melhor que culturas milenares e fabolosas como os antigo egipcios para nos inspirarmos, nunca será fazer igual, viemos milhares de anos depois.... mas para mim são a base da minha inspiração como podem ver nas assinaturas que vou colocando nos post.. não escrevo nomes ao acaso....podem saber muito sobre mim se decifrarem essas palavras..

Birth & Flight of Horus

Then there is the myth sometimes called the Birth and Flight of Horus. This tale, found in the Coffin Texts, is a combination of two stories. The first is the birth of Horus, and the second is a very old and fragmented myth that the sun burst out of an egg laid by a primeval being or goose floating on the primordial waters before creation. The Birth and Flight of Horus begins just after Osiris’s death. The tone is much more serious than that of the Delta Cycle or the Great Quarrel.

The world was being terrorized by Set. Isis dreamed that she would have a son who would avenge her husband’s death and asked Atum if this son would be allowed a seat on the sun boat. However, just before the birth, Isis realized that she would be giving birth to a Falcon, not a child. Upon the birth, Atum saluted Horus and told him that he would give him his name after Horus flew to the horizon. While the company was discussing other matters, such as Horus’s seat on the boat, Horus flew up on his own, higher than even the "old" gods who inhabited the constellations. Horus proclaimed to the gods below that he would, indeed, avenge his father’s death.

This myth, as mentioned before, combines two others together. According to some sources, there were actually two gods named Horus. The first, the original Falcon, flew up at the beginning of time upon his birth. The second, son of Isis, was forced to grow up in secret for fear of Set, as described in the Delta Cycle myth. The myth of the Birth and Flight of Horus brings these two gods into one.


Originally, Horus was a local god who was worshiped along the delta region of the Nile. Eventually, his cult spread throughout Egypt and was carried into Roman times, when he was worshiped along with his mother, Isis.


The falcon, or hawk, one of the first animals worshiped in Egypt, was said to be the personification of the god Horus, who made the sky. In predynastic times there arose several hawk deities, among the most important being the falcon god at Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt, where Horus took on the form of a solar disk with wings. When the kings of the south moved into Lower Egypt, uniting the two lands, Horus became known as the Uniter of the South and North, or Upper and Lower Egypt.

He was sometimes said to be the son of the cow goddess Hathor, whose name literally means "house of Horus." Each evening he would fly into the goddess's mouth, and each morning he would emerge reborn. In the most famous myth associated with him, however, Horus is the son of the god Osiris and the goddess Isis, and he avenges his father's murder by defeating the demonic god Set in a series of battles. Thus Osiris is identified with the dead king and Horus with the living king. Sometimes the living king was said to embody within himself both Horus, the spirit of light, and Set, the spirit of darkness, reflecting the eternal strife that is always present in the universe. In his role as defeater of Set, Horus is variously portrayed as a mounted warrior with the head of a falcon and as a falcon-headed man with a large pointed spear driven into some foe. In one version of the myth, Horus had his left eye, which signified the moon, wounded in his battle with Set, thus giving rise to one explanation for the moon's various phases. The eye was healed by the god Thoth, and the restored eye, known as the udjat, became a powerful amulet.


Ancient Kemetic name: Het-Hert, Greek: Hathor. Her name means "House of Horus", or "Mansion of Horus". Het-Hert was known by many names; she was the 'Lady in the Sky' whose womb protected the hawk god, she was the 'Celestial Cow' or 'Lady of the Southern Sycamore'. The epiteth 'Eye of Re' she shares with several other goddesses, like Bast, Sekhmet, Aset and Mut. Another one was 'Lady to the Limit', by which is meant the then known universe.

The Opening of the Mouth Ritual

Acordar... Iluminar/brilhar/albert arian... Ver na escuridão... Neo/Matrix... Iluminati

Na wikipedia podem encontar muita coisa sobre a mitologia egipcia









house of horus - horus herakty

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