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Todos os Dominios Existentes


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Bem há muito que andava a pesquizar para fazer uma cena como esta mas só hoje consegui concluir  😁 aqui penso que estão a maior parte dos dominios e o pais ao qual fazem parte!! se alguem notar a falta de algum que adicione para eu tambem poder completar a minha BD!  😁

Domínio País

.ad Andorra

.ae Em. Arabes Unidos

.af Afeganistão

.ag Antígua e Barbuda

.ai Anguilla

.ai Albânia

.am Arménia

.an Antilhas Holandesas

.ao Angola.

.aq Antárctica

.ar Argentina

.as Samoa Americana

.at Austria

.au Austrália

.aw Aruba

.az Azerbeijão

.ba Bósnia-Herzegovina

.bb Barbados

.bd Bangladesh

.be Bélgica

.bf Burkina Faso

.bg Bulgária

.bh Bahrain

.bi Burundi

.bj Benin

.bm Bermuda

.bn Brunei Darussafam

.bo Bolívia

.br Brasil

.bs Bahamas

.bt Bhutan

.bv Bouvet

.hw Botswana

.ca Canadá

.cc Ilha Cocos (Keeling)

.cf Rep. Central Africana

.cg Congo

.ch Suíça

.ci Costa do Marfim

.ck llhas Cook

.cl Chile

.cm Camarões

.cn China

.co Colômbia

.cr Costa Rica

.cs Ex-Checoslováquia

.cu Cuba

.ch Suiça

.cv Cabo Verde

.cx Ilha da Páscoa

.cy Chipre

.cz República Checa

.de Alemanha

.dj Djibouti

.dk Dinamarca

.dm Dominica

.do República Dominicana

.dz Argélia

.ec Equador

.ee Estónia

.eg Egipto

.eh Sanara Ocidental

.es Espanha

.et Etiópia

.eu Europa

.ti Finlândia

.fj Fiji

.llhas Falkland/Malvinas

.fm Micronésia

.fo llhas Faróe

.fr França

.fx França Estrangeira

.ga Gabão

.gb Gra-Bretanha

.gd Grenada

.ge Geórgia

.gf Guiana Francesa

.gh Gana

.gi Gibraltar

.gI Greenland

.gm Gâmbia

.gn Guiné

.gp Guadaloupe (França)

.gq Guiné Equatorial

.gr Grécia

.gs Geórgia do Sul

.gs llhas Sandwich do Sul

.gt Guatemala

.gu Guam (USA)

.gw Guiné Bissau

.gy Guiana

.hk Hong Kong

.hm llhas Heard e McDonald

.hn Honduras

.hr Croácia

.ht Haiti

.hu Hungria

.id Indonésia

.ie Irlanda

.il Israel

.in India

.my Malásia

.mz Moçambique

.na namíbia

.nc Nova Caledónia (França)

.ne Nigéria

.nf Ilha Norfolk

.ng Nigéria

.ni Nicarágua

.nl Holanda

.no Noruega

.np Nepal

.nr Nauru

.now Niue

.nz Nova Zelândia

.om Omán

.pa Panamá

.pe Peru

.pf Polinésia (França)

.pg Papua Nova Guiné

.ph Filipinas

.pk Paquistão

.pi Polónia

.pm St Pierre-et-Miquelon

.pn llhas Pitcairn

.pr Porto Rico

.pt Portugal

.pw Palau

.py Paraguai

.qa Qatar

.ré Reunião (França)

.ro Roménia

.ru Federação Russa

.rw Ruanda

.sa Arábia Saudita

.sb llhas Salomão

.sc Seychelles

.sri Sudão

.see Suécia

.sg Singapora

.sh St. Helena

.si Eslovénia

.si Svalbard e Jan Mayen

.sk Eslováquia

.si Serra Leoa

.sm São Marino

.sn Senegal

.io Ter. Brit. Oceano Indico

.iq Iraque

.ir Irão

.is Islândia

.it Itália

.je Ilha de Jersey

.jm Jamaica

.jo Jordânia

.jp Japão

.k Santa Lúcia

.ke Quénia

.kg Kirguizistâo

.kh Cambodja

.ki Kiribati

.km llhas Cômoros

.kp Coreia do Norte

.kr Coreia do Sul

.kw Kuwait

.ky llhas Caimão

.kz Casaquistão

.Ia Laos

.Ib Líbano

.Ii Liechtenstein

.lk Sri Lanka

.Ir Libéria

.Is Lesoto

.It Lituânia

.lu Luxemburgo

.Iv Letónia

.ly Líbia

.ma Marrocos

.me Mónaco

.md Moldava

.mg Madagáscar

.mh Ilha Marshall

.mk Macedónia

.ml Mali

.mm Mianmar

.mn Mongólia

mo. Macau

.mp Ilhas Mariana do Norte

.mq Martinica (França)

.mr Mauritânia

.ms Montserrat


.mu Maurícias

.mv Maldivas

.mw Malawi

.mx México

.so Somália

.sr Suriname

.st São Tome e Príncipe

.su União Soviética

.sv El Salvador

.sy Síria

.sz Swazilândia

.te llhas Turks e Caicos

.td Chade

.tf Ter. Francês do Sul

.tq Togo

.th Tailândia

.tj Tajiquistão

.tk Tokelau

.tm Turquemenistão

.tn Tunísia

.to Tonga

.tp Timor Leste

.tr Turquia

.tt Trinidade e Tobago

.tv Tuvalu

.tw Ilha Formosa (Taipei)

.tz Tanzânia

.ua Ucrânia

.ug Uganda

.uk Reino Unido

.us Estados Unidos

.uy Uruguai

.uz Uzbequistão

.va Estado Cid. Do Vaticano

.vc S. Vicent e Grenadinas

.ve Venezuela

.vg Ilhas Virgenns (Inglaterra)

.vi Ilhas Virgens (EU)

.vn Vietname

.vu Vanuatu

.wf llhas Wallis e Futuna

.ws Samoa

.ye lémen

.yt Mayotte

.yu Jugoslávia

.za África do Sul

.zm Zâmbia

.zr Zaire

.zw Zimbabwe

espero que curtam!  😛

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King

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TLDs de uso geral: http://www.iana.org/gtld/gtld.htm

    *  The  .aero domain  is reserved for members of the air-transport industry and is sponsored by Société Internationale de Télécommunications Aéronautiques (SITA).

    * The .asia domain is restricted to the Pan-Asia and Asia Pacific community and is operated by DotAsia Organisation.

    * The .biz domain is restricted to businesses and is operated by NeuLevel, Inc.

    * The .cat domain is reserved for the Catalan linguistic and cultural community and is sponsored by Fundació puntCat

    * The .com domain is operated by VeriSign Global Registry Services.

    * The .coop domain is reserved for cooperative associations and is sponsored by Dot Cooperation LLC.

    * The .info domain is operated by Afilias Limited.

    * The .jobs domain is reserved for human resource managers and is sponsored by Employ Media LLC.

    * The .mobi domain is reserved for consumers and providers of mobile products and services and is sponsored by mTLD Top Level Domain, Ltd.

    * The .museum domain is reserved for museums and is sponsored by the Museum Domain Management Association.

    * The .name domain is reserved for individuals and is operated by Global Name Registry.

    * The .net domain is operated by VeriSign Global Registry Services.

    * The .org domain is operated by Public Interest Registry. It is intended to serve the noncommercial community, but all are eligible to register within .org.

    * The .pro domain is restricted to credentialed professionals and related entities and is operated by RegistryPro.

    * The .tel domain is reserved for businesses and individuals to publish their contact data and is sponsored by Telnic Ltd.

    * The .travel domain is reserved for entities whose primary area of activity is in the travel industry and is sponsored by Tralliance Corporation.

    Registrations in the domains listed above may be made through dozens of competitive registrars. For a list of the currently operating accredited registrars, go to the InterNIC site. Information about becoming an accredited registrar is available on the ICANN site.

    * The .gov domain is reserved exclusively for the United States Government. It is operated by the US General Services Administration.

    * The .edu domain is reserved for postsecondary institutions accredited by an agency on the U.S. Department of Education's list of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies and is registered only through Educause.

    * The .mil domain is reserved exclusively for the United States Military. It is operated by the US DoD Network Information Center.

    * The .int domain is used only for registering organizations established by international treaties between governments. It is operated by the IANA .int Domain Registry.

Não peças ajuda por PM! A tua dúvida vai ter menos atenção do que se for postada na secção correcta do fórum!

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